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Chemical Burns and Long-Term Health Complications: Advocating for Burn Victims

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The scars of a chemical burn injury victim.
July 18, 2024

Burn injuries can occur in various settings and be caused by numerous factors. One type of burn injury that can be especially painful and traumatic is chemical burns.

A chemical burn is not only immediately painful but can also lead to scarring and long-term health complications. Many burn accident victims cannot afford the costs of their medical treatments, especially when their injuries prevent them from working. 

In this article, we will discuss some of the long-term health effects of chemical burns and the legal options accident victims in Georgia can pursue to seek compensation for injuries. 

What Is a Chemical Burn?

Chemical burns are injuries to the skin, eyes, or internal organs caused by contact with acids, alkalis, or other corrosive substances. Unlike thermal burns, which are caused by heat, chemical burns are caused by substances that disrupt the skin’s natural barrier and cause tissue damage. 

Chemical burns use the same “degree scale” as other types of burns:

  • First-degree burns: These types of burns only affect the outer layer of skin, called the epidermis. Symptoms include redness, irritation, or a burning sensation on the skin. 
  • Second-degree burns: A second-degree burn extends to the second layer of skin or the dermis. Symptoms include pain and blisters at the site of contact. 
  • Third-degree burns: These burns go through the skin and may affect the tissue underneath. Symptoms include dead or blackened skin, and the burn victim may not feel pain because the nerves are destroyed. 

Causes of Chemical Burn Injuries That Result in Personal Injury Claims

According to the American Burn Association, there are over 29,000 admissions to hospitals for burns each year. Chemical burns are just one type of burn that thousands of people seek medical treatment for each year. 

Numerous scenarios can cause a chemical burn. If someone else’s negligence caused your burn injury, you may have grounds to file a personal injury claim and recover compensation. 

Chemical burn injuries from defective products

Cleaning products, industrial chemicals, cosmetics, and other products can cause burn injuries in several ways:

  • Labeling mistakes: Inadequate or incorrect labeling can fail to warn consumers about product risks, leading to improper use and injury 
  • Improper formulation: A product that is incorrectly mixed can lead to an imbalance of chemicals that causes burns
  • Packaging defects: Defective packaging of products can result in lead or spills, exposing consumers to harmful chemicals
  • Manufacturing errors: Mistakes during the manufacturing process can introduce contaminants or alter the chemical properties of a product

If you have suffered a burn injury from using a defective product, you may be able to file a claim against the product’s designer, manufacturer, or distributor.

Work-related chemical burn injuries

Industrial and construction sites often pose risks of burns due to:

  • Improper storage: Storing chemicals improperly or in poorly labeled containers increases the risk of accidental exposure and burn injury
  • Spills: The accidental spilling of hazardous chemicals during handling or transportation can lead to skin or eye contact and severe burn injuries
  • Inadequate training: Insufficient training on the handling of hazardous chemicals and emergency procedures can result in accidents, burn injuries, and delayed response times
  • Equipment malfunction: Malfunctioning or poorly maintained workplace equipment can result in leaks, spills, and the release of hazardous chemicals
  • Lack of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Inadequate or improper use of gloves, goggles, and other PPE can leave workers vulnerable to burn injuries when exposed to chemicals

Employees who suffer burn injuries while on the job may be entitled to compensation. A personal injury lawyer can review the circumstances of your accident and burn injury to determine whether you have a valid claim. 

Chemical burn injuries and premises liability claims

Chemical burn injuries on someone else’s property can occur in various settings and situations, such as:

  • Swimming pools: In swimming pools, chlorine is used to disinfect pool water, and acids are used to balance PH levels. Incorrect chemical levels can cause chemical burn injuries. 
  • Businesses: Spills or leaks of cleaning agents and other chemicals can pose a risk to customers. Retail stores and other businesses should have safety measures and protocols in place to prevent exposing customers to hazardous chemicals. 
  • Tenants: A tenant may suffer a burn injury due to poor ventilation during maintenance or cleaning activities, malfunctioning HVAC systems leaking dangerous chemicals, or improper storage of chemicals on the property. 

Premises liability laws hold property owners responsible for maintaining a safe environment. If you sustained a chemical burn injury due to property owner negligence, you may be entitled to compensation. 

Chemical burn injuries and car accidents

The following are some ways that you could sustain a chemical burn injury in the event of a car accident:

  • Spilled chemicals: Truck accidents involving commercial vehicles transporting hazardous materials could lead to a chemical spill, resulting in all sorts of chemical injuries
  • Airbag deployment: Some airbags use chemicals such as sodium hydroxide or potassium nitrate, which can cause burns if the airbag malfunctions or the chemicals are exposed during deployment
  • Battery acid: Car batteries contain sulfuric acid, which can cause severe burns if the battery is damaged in the accident

Understanding your legal rights after sustaining a serious burn injury in a car accident can help ensure you receive the necessary medical care and compensation. 

Understanding the Long-Term Effects of Chemical Burn Injuries

Chemical burns differ significantly from other types of burns due to their ability to continue causing harm until the chemical is completely removed or neutralized. Immediate effects include severe pain, redness, swelling, and blistering. 

While these symptoms are upsetting, the long-term health complications can be far more distressing. Understanding the potential long-term health impacts is important for proper medical care and recovery. 

Chronic pain and sensitivity

Sadly, chemical burn injuries can result in chronic pain long after the initial injury has healed. Damage to the nerves can result in persistent pain, tingling, and numbness in the affected area. 

Neuropathic pain is often characterized by burning, shooting, or stabbing sensations. It can be debilitating and difficult to manage. Burn injury victims may require ongoing pain management strategies. 

Anti-inflammatory medications, anticonvulsants, and other drugs are sometimes used to manage neuropathic pain. For severe pain, nerve blocks or steroid injections may provide relief. 

Scarring and disfigurement

The severity of the scar depends on the depth and extent of the burn, as well as the chemicals involved. Chemical burns can lead to hypertrophic scars and keloids. These are raised and thickened areas of skin that can occur when the skin heals unevenly.

When burns occur over joints, they can lead to contractures, where the skin tightens and restricts movement. This can be painful and restrict mobility.

Silicone gel sheets and creams help flatten and soften scars over time. Significant scars may necessitate physical therapy and, in some cases, surgical procedures to release the tightened tissues and restore function. 

Infection and ulceration

Damage to the skin increases the risk of infections, both immediately after the burn injury and long-term. Wounds and ulcers can develop, requiring ongoing wound care to prevent serious infections that could result in further health complications. 

Topical and systemic antibiotics may be used to prevent infections. Regular cleaning, dressing changes, and the use of wound care medications can promote healing. Skin grafts may be needed to close chronic ulcers.

Organ damage

Some chemicals can be absorbed through the skin, enter the bloodstream, and cause damage to internal organs such as the kidneys, liver, and nervous system. The inhalation of chemical fumes can lead to chronic respiratory problems such as asthma or bronchitis. 

Ingestion of corrosive chemicals can cause long-term gastrointestinal issues, including chronic pain and impaired digestion. 

If you have inhaled, ingested, or had skin contact with a hazardous chemical, it is important to seek medical attention as quickly as possible to minimize damage to your internal organs. 

Psychological impact

The trauma of a burn injury can have lasting psychological effects. Victims may experience depression and anxiety. Disfigurement and scarring can lead to social withdrawal and reduced self-esteem. 

Chemical burns may also result in victims experiencing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), characterized by flashbacks and severe emotional distress. 

Professional counseling can help victims cope with the emotional impact of their injuries. Support groups also give individuals an opportunity to connect with others who have experienced similar injuries, providing emotional support and practical advice. 

Seeking Legal Help Following a Chemical Burn Injury

If someone else’s negligence or wrongdoing caused your chemical burn injury, you may be entitled to compensation. 

Here are some reasons why seeking help from a burn injury lawyer is essential:

  • Determining liability: A lawyer can thoroughly investigate the circumstances of your burn injury to determine who is responsible. Liable parties may include employers, manufacturers, property owners, and other parties. 
  • Navigating complex laws: Personal injury laws can be complicated and difficult to understand. An experienced lawyer can help you understand the legal process. 
  • Gathering evidence: Proving negligence and building a strong personal injury case requires solid evidence. Burn injury attorneys can gather medical records, witness statements, expert testimonies, and other essential evidence. 
  • Negotiating with insurance companies: Insurers often attempt to minimize payouts, even in severe burn injury cases. Having a lawyer negotiate on your behalf helps ensure you will receive a fair settlement. 
  • Maximize compensation: Burn injury lawyers can help you seek compensation for medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages. A lawyer can also estimate the long-term costs of your injury, ensuring you settle for no less than you deserve. 
  • Providing peace of mind: Dealing with a serious burn injury can be physically and emotionally taxing. Knowing that a trusted and skilled burn injury attorney is handling the legal aspects of your case can provide much-needed peace of mind. 
  • Representing you in court: If a fair settlement agreement cannot be reached with the insurance company, your attorney can help you file a personal injury claim and take your case to court. 

Our Compassionate Burn Injury Lawyers Are Here to Help

Severe chemical burns can have a profound and lasting effect on an individual’s health and quality of life. Understanding the potential long-term complications and seeking quality medical care is essential to recovery. Advances in medical treatments offer hope to those suffering from chemical burn injuries, aiming to improve their quality of life and overall well-being.

Victims of chemical burns may be entitled to compensation if the injury was due to someone else’s negligence. By seeking help from an experienced burn injury lawyer, you can focus on your recovery while your lawyer handles the legal complexities of your case. 

At Hoffspiegel Law, our hearts go out to burn injury victims. Our compassionate legal team is dedicated to doing all we can to ensure you receive the compensation you need to rebuild your life after the burn injury accident. 

We offer all accident victims a free case evaluation. Call us anytime or click the Contact Us button on this page to schedule yours today.