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Dealing With Atlanta Traffic Laws: Insights From Local Car Accident Lawyers

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Atlanta Traffic Laws
August 12, 2024

Navigating Atlanta traffic laws can feel as challenging as driving through its now notoriously slow-moving streets. However, being fully cognizant of the rules is vital to keep yourself and others safe. If a driver breaks one of these laws and causes an accident, he or she could face fines, community service, and personal injury lawsuits.

Sadly, 182,521 crashes on Atlanta’s streets occurred between 2018 and 2022, causing over 69,000 injuries. Atlanta car accident lawyers who have handled many personal injury claims resulting from these accidents can provide crucial insights into how every road user can stay safe and protect their legal rights. 

In this article, we will consider key Atlanta traffic laws everyone needs to follow and what car accident victims can do to seek justice.

Atlanta Traffic Laws Everyone Should Know

As the capital of Georgia, Atlanta’s roads are mainly governed by the state’s traffic laws. Atlanta is a major intersection with a huge number of highways converging on the city. It is also home to the world’s busiest airport, handling 286,000 passengers each day on average. 

This means many drivers who are less than familiar with Atlanta’s traffic laws take to its roads each day. In fact, Atlanta car accident attorneys want everyone to be aware of the following 13 rules.

  1. Speed limits

Exceeding the speed limit was a factor in 208 Atlanta car accidents between 2018 and 2022. Driving too fast for the conditions was a contributing factor in a further 1,775 collisions. Keep a lookout for signs when driving in areas with variable speed limits. 

As a guide, these are the speed limits for cars and trucks on different types of roads:

  • Residential or urban districts – 25-35 mph
  • Urban highways – 65 mph
  • Rural highways – 70 mph
  • School zones – 15-25 mph

If a driver is convicted of speeding in relation to an Atlanta car accident, this is considered negligence. However, your car accident lawyer must still prove that speeding was the direct cause of your accident. 

If you were speeding at the time of your car accident, do not automatically assume that you were responsible for the accident. If you were less than 50 percent liable, you may still be able to recover some compensation from the other party or parties involved. An experienced Atlanta car accident attorney can explain your legal rights and chances of recovering compensation.

  1. Driving under the influence (DUI) laws

Georgia takes driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol very seriously. Drivers must not exceed the following blood alcohol levels:

  • Drivers below the age of 21 – 0.02 grams
  • Drivers aged 21 or over – 0.08 grams
  • Commercial vehicle drivers – 0.04 grams

Driving under the influence of any non-prescription drug apart from marijuana is an impaired driving offense. If a person is under the influence of marijuana, an impairment must be demonstrated.

Driving with a blood alcohol level at or over the limits stated above constitutes negligence per se. However, this does not mean that the driver is automatically liable for negligence in a car accident lawsuit or claim. However, an experienced car accident attorney may be able to use a DUI conviction to strengthen a claim for compensation against the impaired driver. 

If you’re driving to an Atlanta event where alcohol will be served, do not take the risk. Arrange a designated driver or alternative transportation to keep yourself and others safe on the road.

  1. No open alcohol containers in the car

Atlanta drivers must keep the passenger areas of their vehicles completely free from open alcoholic beverage containers. Open is defined as having a broken seal or some of the contents partially removed.

Failure to comply with this law can result in a fine of up to $200.

  1. Keep license plates visible

Your license plate must always be visible when driving in Atlanta to avoid being guilty of a misdemeanor. Check that vanity plates are not difficult for law enforcement to read or anything that could block their visibility.

  1. Carry your license at all times

According to Georgia law, you must always have your physical driver’s license with you at all times, as law enforcement can ask to see it. Although you can add a digital license to your Apple Wallet or Google Wallet, this is not enough if a police officer asks to see it. You must be able to produce the physical license.

  1. No merging from the center lane

In Georgia, you may only pull into the center lane when you are making a left turn. You may see drivers pulling into the center lane and then waiting to merge, but this is a traffic violation. Keep yourself on the right side of the law by staying out of the center lane unless you are actually executing a left turn.

  1. No texting while driving

Suspected distracted driving was a factor in 76,001 Atlanta car accidents between 2018 and 2022. Using a cell phone while driving is one of the most common forms of distracted driving, and texting can be particularly dangerous. 

In 2018, Georgia passed its Hands-Free Law, which restricts drivers from the following activities while driving:

  • Holding or touching a phone 
  • Writing, reading, or sending written content – including texts, emails, and social media posts, even while using hands-free technology
  • Watching videos 
  • Touching a phone to control a music streaming app

A first conviction can result in a $50 fine and 1 point on a driver’s license. Fines rise for further offenses within a 24-month period. If distracted driving is a factor in an Atlanta car accident, the driver’s problems could mount up fast. When an Atlanta car accident lawyer can prove that using a phone was the cause of the accident, the driver could be pursued for compensation.

  1. Headlights on when using wipers

Atlanta can be a rainy city. On average, it gets 52 inches of rain each year, compared with the US average of 38 inches. So there is a good chance you will get caught in a rain shower while driving in Atlanta – especially during late winter, early spring, and the month of July.

Do not just start the windshield wipers as soon as it starts raining; turn on your headlights as well. Some cars may do this automatically, but don’t rely on that. You may need to turn the headlights on manually to ensure you fully comply with Georgia traffic laws.

  1. Follow the “Slowpoke Law”

This law has been in force since 2014 and applies to roads with a minimum of 2 lanes in each direction. If you are driving in the passing lane and know that the driver behind is going faster and wants to overtake, it is now unlawful to continue driving in that lane.

This is true even if you are already traveling at the speed limit. To avoid getting pulled over and ticketed, move back into the right lane and let the other vehicle pass. 

10. Move over for emergency vehicles

Emergency vehicles always have the right of way in Atlanta. If you see one coming, give way and allow it room to pass. You must also slow down below the posted speed limit to allow it to pass safely.

11. Stop at the scene of an accident

In all states, leaving the scene of an accident without following certain steps is a serious violation. 

After an Atlanta car accident, Georgia Code §40-6-270 requires drivers to follow these steps:

  1. Stop as close as possible to the accident scene
  2. Give your name, address, and vehicle registration number
  3. Show your driver’s license on request
  4. Render assistance to injured persons or those helping them
  5. Make every reasonable effort to seek medical attention and contact law enforcement when accident victims appear to be seriously injured or dead

If you are involved in a car accident in Atlanta, it is important to take immediate steps to protect your legal rights. After fulfilling the legal obligations mentioned above, talk to a Georgia car accident attorney for tailored legal advice before talking to anyone else. 

During a free consultation, he or she will guide you on the steps to take to give yourself the best chance of achieving fair compensation.

12. No traffic-light intersection rule

If there are no traffic lights at an intersection, there are specific rules to follow. The driver on the left must give way to the driver on the right. If you fail to do this and an accident occurs, an Atlanta car accident attorney may try to show that violating this rule was the cause of the accident.

13. Specific pickup truck laws

Georgia has a couple of laws that apply specifically to pickup trucks. First, pickup truck drivers must always wear a seatbelt in all parts of the state. Second, when driving on an interstate highway, no one aged less than 18 may travel as a passenger in the uncovered bed of a pickup truck. 

Although there are no specific laws for other roads, it makes sense to follow the same precautions. Pickup truck beds are designed for cargo, not passengers. If a passenger traveling in a pickup truck bed gets injured or killed, liability can be very complicated. The safest course is not to allow passengers to travel in the truck bed to avoid unnecessary injuries and complications. 

What to Do After an Atlanta Car Accident

Whatever the circumstances of your car accident in Atlanta, there are crucial steps to take to protect your legal rights:

  • Call 911: Report the accident to the police and call an ambulance.
  • Seek medical attention: Even if you feel fine, get yourself checked out by the ambulance crew or at a medical facility as soon as possible. Take pictures of the injuries sustained and seek follow-up medical care as required.
  • Cooperate with the police: Tensions can run high after an auto accident. Keep calm and tell the police the facts. They may identify traffic violations committed that may strengthen your car accident claim. The official accident report could help a car accident lawyer build your case even if no violations occurred.
  • Get legal representationBefore you talk to insurance companies or anyone else, get a free consultation with an experienced car accident attorney. He or she can talk you through your legal rights. If the law firm agrees to take on your car accident case, your legal team will handle everything from that point on.

Atlanta car accident lawyers can conduct a thorough investigation into the circumstances of your accident. If they can find evidence of traffic violations that were the direct cause of your accident, this could help them build a strong case for fair compensation. 

Car accident compensation could include:

  • Lost wages
  • Medical expenses
  • Property damages
  • Non-economic damages, such as pain and suffering or disfigurement

At a free consultation, an experienced auto accident attorney can discuss the compensation you may be entitled to and the strongest legal avenues to pursue.

Trust the Hoffspiegels With Your Atlanta Car Accident Case

After an Atlanta auto accident, you need to work with a law firm you can trust. You deserve a legal team with a strong understanding of local laws and years of experience fighting for Georgia car accident victims.

The Atlanta firm of Hoffspiegel Law has what it takes to represent car accident victims when they need legal help the most. Lloyd and Alex Hoffspiegel have over 50 years combined experience in fighting – and winning – Georgia car accident cases. Our legal warriors will leave no stone unturned in their pursuit of fair compensation.

Find out today what the Atlanta car accident attorneys at Hoffspiegel Law can do for you. Call(762) 315-4620 or complete our contact form to schedule a free consultation.