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Personal Injury Attorneys

Personal Injury Law for Immigrants

July 21, 2024

Immigrants made up 13.9 percent of the total United States population in the year 2022. Whether they are in the United States on a visa or without documentation, immigrants can become victims of accidents caused by the negligence of others.  Personal injury cases can be complex and overwhelming for anyone, but for immigrants, the challenges may be compounded by feelings of fear…

Chemical Burns and Long-Term Health Complications: Advocating for Burn Victims

July 18, 2024

Burn injuries can occur in various settings and be caused by numerous factors. One type of burn injury that can be especially painful and traumatic is chemical burns. A chemical burn is not only immediately painful but can also lead to scarring and long-term health complications. Many burn accident victims cannot afford the costs of their medical treatments, especially when…

The Rise of Service Animals and Potential Bite Risks

May 13, 2024

More than 61 million people live with disabilities in the United States. Approximately 1 percent of them receive assistance from a service animal. In Georgia, service animals are also known as “assistance dogs.” Although thousands more people receive help from emotional support animals, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) states that only specially trained dogs can be classified as service animals.  Many Atlanta…

Crowdfunding and Personal Injury Claims

May 13, 2024

If you need hospital treatment for injuries after an accident, your medical bills could soon start mounting up. The National Safety Council (NSC) estimated that in 2022, a disabling car accident would cost $162,000 in medical and other expenses, with less serious but evident injuries costing $42,000. Of course, these are just averages – the real cost of catastrophic injuries could be…

Car Thefts and Personal Injury

May 13, 2024

Georgia’s news reports are full of stories about illegal activity. In 2019, there were an estimated 721,885 car thefts in the United States. Whether due to negligent driving or a high-speed police chase, when stolen cars crash, serious problems can result for everyone involved. It’s always shocking when a criminal act touches us personally. In Atlanta, theft is one of the most…

Holding Multiple Parties Liable in Truck Accident Cases

May 10, 2024

Truck accidents can be some of the most deadly on Atlanta’s roads. The size and weight difference between 80,000 pounds of truck and 4,000 pounds of car often leaves passengers battered and bruised at best. The worst accidents can cause catastrophic, life-changing injuries or even death. In 2022, there were 25 truck accidents, including tractor-trailers, in Atlanta believed to have caused…

Compensation for Dog Bites: Medical Expenses, Lost Wages & More

April 26, 2024

Dogs, affectionately called man’s best friend, are a beloved pet in many homes across the nation. However, there are times when a dog may attack unexpectedly. In fact, more than 800,000 people require medical attention each year for a dog bite, according to one source. Although victims of dog attacks can be left with minor injuries, far too often, the injuries…

Holding Trucking Companies Liable for Accidents

April 22, 2024

Almost every time you drive, you probably share the road with semi-trucks. According to the American Trucking Association, there are close to 14 million large trucks registered in the US. With so many tractor-trailers and semis on our roads and highways, accidents involving these massive vehicles are not uncommon. If you were involved in a truck accident, you may be wondering who…

Dealing With Insurance Companies After a Car Accident

April 15, 2024

We have all probably driven past car accident wreckage. The shattered glass and skid marks give only a vague indication of the confusion and panic that the victims must feel. Car accident victims can sustain life-threatening injuries that cost thousands of dollars to treat. Besides medical expenses, lost wages, household services, and property damage can add additional financial and emotional…

Common Personal Injury Cases Handled by Atlanta Lawyers

April 8, 2024

Personal injury laws in Georgia cover a wide variety of accidents and injuries. The majority of personal injury cases are based on negligence. Personal injury lawyers help victims and their families seek compensation after being injured in an accident.  Suffering a serious injury can result in lost wages, expensive medical bills, and other financial challenges. The parties who caused your…

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